Sunday 24 February 2008
Bible Readings: Psalm 23 and Ruth1:1-7
My husband, John, has been working on our family tree. It is fascinating stuff but had I known who some of my ancestors were I might not have shown so much interest in the first place! He found madmen, murderers like John Wilkes Booth who assassinated Abraham Lincoln (sorry folks!), opera singers, composers, actors and some others whom I'd rather not mention!
Whilst on the internet I once came across another me - a Marta Ager in Sweden who is a Rotarian and a champion golfer, but of the two I suspect I am the poorer! Why?
Let me tell you about Ruth. Her story is found in the Bible – in Ruth 1.
Interestingly, her name was to find a unique place in the family tree of Jesus...
Boaz the father of Obed, whose mother was Ruth. Obed the father of Jesse, and Jesse the father of King David
(see the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1)
To put you in the picture, there was a famine during a dark time in the history of Israel so Elimelech took his wife Naomi and two sons to Moab hoping for a better future. Whilst there, Elimelech and the two sons die leaving three widows behind.
Famine over, Naomi and one of her daughters-in-law Ruth go back to Bethlehem. Their arrival causes quite a stir because Ruth, a Moabite, is beautiful but what had happened to Naomi, the beautiful and charming woman who had left ten years earlier? Although Moab was only about 30 miles away the family might as well moved a thousand because they had gone into a troubled, unfriendly land.
Naomi had been very homesick in a place where others did not share her faith. Hardship must have shown in her face...
Don't call me Naomi, call me Mara, because the Almighty has made my life very bitter. I went away full, but the Lord has brought me back empty. Why call me Naomi? The Almighty has brought misfortune upon me (Ruth 1:20-21)
Once praising, now blaming God. Once rich in spirit, now poor. Once full, now empty. Once sweet, now bitter. Naomi had lost the sparkle but she is about to re-ignited and its about to happen from an unexpected source.
Looking at this story from a different angle, I wonder how life might have turned out for the whole family had they remained in Bethlehem and seen the famine through like other families had done? But then Naomi would not had met Ruth!
Now home at last, Naomi wants to get on with a life that still includes God. In spite of her questioning, she admits God has been with her.
The Lord has not stopped showing his kindness (Ruth 2:20)
Slowly we see her good old self return and she throws herself into fully matchmaking for Ruth! In turn Ruth would be taken from the obscurity of her past into a bright fulfilled future. Then in rags, now in riches. Then in poverty, now in plenty.

But before Ruth finds a husband, she finds God! You might not realize that before returning, Naomi discourages her daughters-in-law from coming with her but Ruth makes up her mind to set off with Naomi saying...
Don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go,and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. (Ruth 1:16)
Wow! What a statement. Surely you would not say this sort of thing in a hurry. Why would you leave the security of your own family, friends, culture for a strange land and a strange faith? And go with your mother-in-law? What is the attraction? Or maybe I should ask who is the attraction and why?
It seems that Naomi's life has influenced Ruth. In the middle of tragedy, frustration, hopelessness and grief Ruth has been watching her mother-in-law and seen in her something very special. Maybe Ruth could not explain it but it was there.
Ruth's great-grandson, King David wrote about his own experiences of God in Psalm 23...
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and staff they comfort me. (verse 4)
A salvationist, Commissioner Keith Banks paraphrases these words in a song 'Contentment'...
When the way becomes darker, I will not be afraid,
For my Lord, the Good Shepherd, will be there with his aid,
He will stay close beside me every step of the way,
He will guard me and guide me to the end of the day. (verse 2)
We ask Why? We all do. We ask Why often. Why famine, why disaster, suffering, sickness, etc. etc. William Booth, the founder of The Salvation Army, asked many questions when his own wife was dying.
In his article Difficulties he writes...
Why does God thus seem to stand off from us in those hours when we need Him most? OH, WHY! WHY! WHY!
To those of us who do not have a faith, or are just trying to make sense of it all, we might wonder why others choose to exercise a faith when it is either all made up, or at the centre is a God who is not quite as good as He should be at looking after us.
William Booth, goes on to list and explain ways in which he feels God looks after us, though we cannot see it. He says:
'Difficulties develop and strengthen and perfect that nobility of character God desires His people to possess...
Difficulties are valuable because they constitute an unfailing test of character... (God, others and ourselves find what we are made of!)
Difficulties drive men to God. Since September 11th, across the world, at a time of great trial and tribulation, the sale of Bibles, crosses and church attendances have gone up, more people are crying out to God and finding him. It seems that difficulties are still driving men and women to God.
Concluding thoughts
So, am I rich or am I poor? Financially I am not rich but spiritually I consider myself rich because I believe the rest of Psalm 23, paraphrased in the song it says...
He surrounds me with goodness, many blessings are mine,
I am rich in the knowledge of this shepherd divine,
All his unfailing kindness in my life I have known,
And I'll live with him always in his beautiful home. (verse 3)
What about you? Are you going through a situation that is making you question God? Why? Are you feeling like Naomi desperate and disappointed? I suggest you renew your relationship with God like Naomi did, and if you look around you maybe you'll find encouragement in the witness you have been to others through the years. That's how Ruth came to faith through the example of a Naomi who was going through a difficult time in her life but held on and followed closely as not to loose sight of God.
Maybe you are more like Ruth, and having watched others exercise their faith , you now need to be making the decision for yourself to accept their God as your God. Will you say...
Yes the Lord is my shepherd, I have all that I need,
I rely on his kindness, I allow him to lead,
He gives rest, He gives quietness, He restores me within,
And He strengthens me daily if my life honours him. (verse 1)
1 comment:
I miss your sermons so much, Marta! Thank-you for taking the trouble to post them here - I am fortunate indeed to know your voice well enough, so that I can almost hear you speak them...
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