Far on the mountain, of the dark afraid,
Seeking a shelter from the night's alarm,
Longing for comfort of the shepherd's arm,
So Jesus found me on sin's mountain drear,
Gathered me close and banished all my fear.

In the Love of Jesus there is all I need,
While I follow closely where my Lord may lead;
By his grace forgiven,
In his presence blest,
In the love of Jesus,
In the love of Jesus, is perfect rest.
In the love of Jesus is all I need,
While I follow closely where my Lord may lead;
By his grace forgiven,
In his presence blest,
In the love of Jesus, is perfect rest,
Is perfect rest.
Like to a pilgrim in an unknown land
Seeking the comfort of a guiding hand,
Fearing the perils of the winding way,
Pleading for strength sufficient every day,
I met my Lord; and, though the path be dim,
He knows the way and I will walk with him.
Like to a child who, when the night may fall,
Out of the darkness hears his father call,
Far and a-weary though his feet may roam,
Sees in the distance shining lights of home,
So at the last the music of his voice
Will calm my fears and make my heart rejoice.
Ivy Mawby (1903-83)
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