Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Why is the Cross such a big deal for Christians? - Lent - Lucado

On Sunday afternoons during Lent we have been looking at what happened when Jesus was crucified and why it needed to happen. To help us with this we have been using a study by Max Lucado He Chose the Nails where Max investigates what God did to win our hearts. There's so much material in each chapter that we have had to be selective in our use of material, but it is enjoyable to lead people in a relaxed and interactive style.

Last Sunday people were particularly talkative so I had to leave some things out, but we still managed a well-rounded afternoon. Here is the full programme I had planned.

I Will Love You Forever
God's Promise in the Cross

Welcome, Notices and Weekly Offering

Introducing theme:
DVD clip from The West Wing (very end of Episode 14 Season 1 where President confesses)

Song 134 (TB 14/Calvary)
Was it for me, the nails, the spear...?


Ice breaker: Brainstorm (write on a board) these Questions..
Any unusual surnames? Do you like your own name? Have you ever had a nickname?

Video or transcript for week 10 where Max talks about whether he should correct people when they mispronounce his surname, leading gradually into God's treatment of us.

Bible Verse - 2 Corinthians 5:21 NIV and The Message.

Discuss in small groups:
Symbols of other faiths seem more upbeat, like the crescent moon of Islam or the lotus blossom of Buddhism, so why does Christianity use the cross - normally a symbol of torture - to embody a movement of hope? I don't suppose you would wear an electric chair on your necklace? How do you feel about the cross as a symbol?

Discuss all together:
What did the cross mean to the disciples of Jesus?
What does the cross of Jesus mean to us today?

Quote from Max Lucado:
The cross is the intersection.The cross is where God forgave his children without lowering his standard. God put our sin on his Son and punished it there.

Bible Verse - John 3:16

Songs of Fellowship 865
Jesus Christ, I think about Your sacrifice

Theological insights into:
Death on a Cross, The Shape of the Cross and the Significance of the Cross.

CD - He Chose the Nails: The Lamb That Was Slain - Max Lucado

Bible Reading - John 19:16-19 and 25-31

Listen to or read the words of Feel the nails by Ray Boltz and Steve Millikan

Quotation by Billy Graham from Unto the Hills: A Daily Devotional:
The author of Hebrews writes, Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart (Hebrews 12:2-3 NIV). Yes, consider Him. In our suffering and tribulations Jesus Himself must be our chief consideration. We must fix our eyes upon Him. He who suffered for us shows us how we are to bear our sufferings. Is this encouraging to you?

Song 115 (TB 272/Near the cross)
Jesus, keep me near the cross



Jessica said...

Hey there,
Thank you for your comment.I just wondering how you found my blog?

Marta Ager said...

Found you at random by pressing 'next Blog' said...

Abrazo compatriota, placer en tenerla e mis comentarios !!!

Abrazo !!!
Saludos a la familia !

Jhéssica Salles said...

oi!!!obg por visitar meu blog!
também olhei o seu.É ótimo...
notei q vc é bem voltada à religião.
parabéns!Deus esteja sempre no seu coração.
beijos e ótima tarde!

Oi! Thanks for visiting my blog!
Also looked at the seu.É great ...
Q noted kj is well focused on religion.
Congratulations! God is always in your heart.
Kisses and good afternoon!