Pre-meeting: Band
Verse by Annie Johnson Flint
If the Christ who died had stopped at the cross,
His work had been incomplete.
If the Christ who was buried had stayed in the tomb,
He had only known defeat,
But the way of the cross never stops at the cross and the way of the tomb leads on
To victorious grace in the heavenly place
where the risen Lord has gone.
Welcome and Announcements - Junior Soldiers Award Presentation
Easter Sunday is the most important Sunday of the Christian year; the day when we celebrate one of the central truths of our faith - that Jesus Christ is alive! As the apostle Paul said, '...if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile' (1 Corinthians 15:17). This, then, is a day for faith and celebration, joy and declaration. Three words will come up throughout the morning and they are: 'Alive', 'Risen', and 'Today' These are words which declare the central message of Easter, the reason for our worshipping God today - the fact that Christ is alive, that he is risen and that this truth is for today, not just a Bible story about something that happened in the past.
Lets declare our joy through singing, and celebrate!
Song 143 (TB 281/Easter Hymn)
Christ the Lord is risen today
Time of Prayer:
1- Easter Thanksgiving - show PowerPoint images associated with Easter (spring flowers, Easter eggs for the children, a lamb, a cross, a Bible, the sun)
Spend time giving thanks to God for some of the things we are grateful for today.
Song 148 (TB 839/Up from the grave he arose)
Low in the grave he lay
2- Easter Confession - Lets declare our faith and commitment to being forgiven and in turn forgiving by praying and confessing to God
Easter Sunday is a perfect day to start afresh with God, it is a good day to start over again,for bringing an area of your life to God where you feel there is a need for new life, a time to look at relationships, a time for new insights, for stepping out in faith, a good time to commit to social justice...Some people like to think of Easter and the heavy stone 'rolled away' as a reminder that through his death and resurrection, Jesus has crushed the power of sin and can forgive. As we pray please respond with the words Risen Lord Jesus, forgive us:
For the times we forget that you are alive,
Risen Lord Jesus, forgive us.
For the times we forget to celebrate your love,
Risen Lord Jesus, forgive us.
For the times we forget to tell our neighbour,
Risen Lord Jesus, forgive us.
For the times we forget to live as you call us to live,
Risen Lord Jesus, forgive us.
For the times we forgot to open our lives to you,
Risen Lord Jesus, forgive us.
3- Easter Intersession - Women say Alive, Men say Risen and Children/Youth and YP workers and helpers say Today.
Risen Lord Jesus, you died for the world, but you are...Alive...Risen...Today.
Risen Lord Jesus, people sometimes forget you, but you are...Alive...Risen...Today.
Risen Lord Jesus, we pray for people caught up in any kind of conflict- may they know that you are...Alive...Risen...Today.
Risen Lord Jesus, we pray for countries and communities at war- may both aggressors and victims know that you are...Alive...Risen...Today.
Risen Lord Jesus, we pray for those who are sick or lonely who are known to us- may we find ways of celebrating with them that you are...Alive...Risen...Today.
Risen Lord Jesus we pray for the church in this area and for our mission to share the good news of your resurrection with others- may we walk alongside others to demonstrate that you are...Alive...Risen...Today.
Risen Lord Jesus, for those who have lived in the faith of Christ and who have gone before us- may we one day join with them around your throne to proclaim that you are...Alive...Risen...Today.
Risen Lord Jesus, we offer you our prayers, trusting in the power of your resurrection, and in our faith in you saying that you are...Alive...Risen...Today.
Bible Reading - John 20:1-9
Easter Praise
Song 144 (TB 5/And above the rest)
I know that my redeemer lives
Testimonies: What is in your heart today? Easter is a journey for all of us. People like Mary Magdalene and Thomas went very much through an emotional journey as they realized that Jesus had been raised from the dead. A journey which turned their lives upside down, having suffered grief at their loss of the one who had changed their lives, and then suddenly experiencing extreme joy and renewed faith, they went from darkness to light, from death to life, from the old to new, from doubt to certainty...Do any of these words describing possible emotions in your present journey sound familiar to you? Words on PowerPoint are Sadness, Desperation, Disbelief, Confusion, Doubt, Astonishment, Wonder, Faith, Joy, Certainty, and Eagerness.
Instrumental Solo: Andrew Blyth
Bible Reading - John 20:10-20
Easter Message 2008: Easter is what now? Marta
Songs of Fellowship 290
Jesus is Lord! Creation's voice proclaims it
Go in the power of the risen Lord
Live, work and witness to celebrate his love
Share his joy, his life, his power,
In the name of Christ, the Risen One
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