I Can Turn Your Tragedy into Triumph
God's Promise in the Burial Clothing
Welcome, Notices and Offering
The death of Christ has been called the greatest act of love ever. Why do you think that is?
Bible verse-Romans 5:8 (Discuss this verse with others in your group and think of an example where people are expected to be good before they are rewarded)
Prayers-Listen to In the stillness by The King's Singers: The Quiet Heart, Choral Essays Vol.1
Video or Transcript for week 11 where Max talks about some of the tragedies that we suffer and how they 'Clutter up our hearts with memories of bad times'. He explores Romans 8:28 (at times a controversial verse) and describes how one of the disciples of Jesus (John) hangs around faithfully during the tragic death of Jesus not realizing how much his own life would be changed as a result! (Page 231)
Quote from The Root of the Righteous by A.M.Tozer. This paragraph talks about the variety of feelings people had at the time about the crucifixion of Jesus and how they differed from Jesus' own feelings
Song 126 (TB 649/From that sacred hill)
On Calvary's tree the King of Glory languished
Factoids about the cloth. Discuss altogether what they did to the body of Jesus before burial, and what they consequently found at the empty tomb...if anything!
To reflect on your own...
Where does your focus need to be in uncertain or scary times?
- How quick are you to become despairing when all seems lost?
- What 'storm' in your life needs the touch of Jesus today?
- Who in your immediate circle of family and friends is at this very moment in the middle of a dark time? What can you do or say to help and encourage them?
Love divine, all loves excelling
Final Prayer-Volunteers to read a verse each from Song 647
When shall I come unto the healing waters
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