Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sundays ...can provide drink for the thirsty...

Are you thirsty for more?
More what?
Have you ever read Isaiah chapter 55?
Click on rosebud to read it!
It makes sense to me!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

As the deer pants for the water - so my soul longs after You - Martin Nystrom - 8

But, what do You want?

Click on the picture
to find out what
Eric Mendoza wants!

I love You more than any other
So much more than anything

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Monday, June 30, 2008

As the deer pants for the water - so my soul longs after You - Martin Nystrom - 6

Ian Curtis and the name of his band... info from

In January 1978 the band became Joy Division. In November 1977 the London-based group Warsaw Pakt had released an album, so Warsaw decided to change their name to avoid being confused with another band. They chose the new name from a harrowing account of life in a concentration camp during World War 2. This book, The House of Dolls by Karol Cetinsky, is quoted by Ian in a spoken insert to the song No Love Lost. The Joy Division was the corps of young women kept in the camp for the pleasure of Nazi officers on leave.

Partly due to the name, Joy Division (and later New Order) often had problems with Nazi accusations spreading around in the press. These both puzzled and angered the band, and they did not wish to dignify them with a reply. Far from containing Nazi propaganda, their lyrics preach quite the contrary message. Many other punk bands used much more direct Nazi symbolism with much less press comment.

It is so sad when peoples lives are cut short as Ian's was.

You alone are the real joy Giver
and the apple of my eye.

Friday, June 27, 2008

As the deer pants for the water - so my soul longs after You - Martin Nystrom - 1

As the deer pants for streams of water,
so my soul pants for you, O God.
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.
Psalm 42:1-2a

Thirsty for God?

Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Healing Congregation - Sermon (part 1)


Times just now are not easy, we don't know how the world situation will develop so it is going to be more important than ever that we hear what James has to say to the Churches. We read from James 5 because here is a model for helping the body of Christ to be whole and effective.

In between our discouragement, our frustrations with society, our feelings of being in a minority group (in the UK!)as a follower of Jesus, God is there and is still speaking today, to us. In verse 10 James mentions the prophets as examples of men who suffered severe persecution you have seen what the Lord finally brought about... the Lord is full of compassion and mercy. To know that others have suffered before is not always helpful but to know that they got through does matter. We need that reassurance. So what is God saying in these days?

As I refer to healing through this sermon I need you to think wider than physical healing. Although physical healing is included we are referring to the whole that makes up a person and to the various areas of wholeness in our spiritual lives.

We can summarize what James is saying by making three points which say that...
There's a relationship between: the healing congregation, the healing mission and the healing gospel. The three go together and when one or more suffer there's pain and frustration, and the Church's calling is not being fulfilled. We would all like the perfect congregation, maybe pastors dream about having one, but they are not going to ever find one. Yet we can all aim at
being an effective church in these days, even with all our imperfections.

It is said that...
Together with the blessing of God and in the power of the Holy Spirit, three things make inevitable the fulfillment of the Church's calling to be a place of healing and to bring healing to the nations:
1 - their openness to their own healing and their journey towards wholeness ( healing congregation)
2 - their commitment to, and work on behalf of, Christ's healing mission (healing mission)
3 -the compassion of members for the hurting world for whom Christ died and rose from the dead (healing gospel)

Monday, May 5, 2008

The Healing Congregation - An Up-to-date Testimony

Click here for the story
of someone who received healing

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Groan, Groan, And Groan Some More! - Worship activity

Activity During Morning Worship for everyone including children!
Ascension Sunday
(Based On Idea By Sue Relf)

Ask children to come out and stand in a line facing the congregation

Ask them to moan and groan as if feeling very cold - are they convincing?
as if feeling hungry - give them sympathy!
as if having a tummy ache - all girls together to groan
as if being bored - all boys together to groan

When do adults groan?...
when hearing a bad joke
when listening to a politician speak
when at a pantomime
when running in a marathon

We usually moan and groan when things are bad or difficult,
when as we said earlier we are in pain or suffering.

Romans 8:22 says We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time

The Bible says that not only the world around us is decaying physically but spiritually it is also infected with sin.

When we are in any kind of trouble we have two choices, either we do something about it or we don't! As you listen to the story of how Jesus, after his resurrection, was taken up to heaven notice how the disciples go about their predicament - having to live without living with Jesus anymore.

In Acts 1:11 we see a scene where the disciples are told off by angels for doing something daft...they stood looking at the sky trying to see Jesus! In verses 12 and 13 they do something more sensible, they are recorded as going back to Jerusalem and praying together as Jesus had asked to do anyway.

When you face a dilemma, a difficult task, don't stand around hoping it will all get sorted but make sure you pray about it.

John will speak to us more about it later but for now, lets remain firm in the faith for one day Jesus will come back for us and then he will turn our tragedies into triumphs, our poverty into riches, our pain into glory, our defeat into victory. We who love Jesus will be reunited with him and will be safe and secure for ever.

Friday, April 25, 2008

The Healing Congregation - The Bible Reading

Introducing The Bible Reading: James 5:1-20
(comments based on the Life Application Bible)

One of the purposes of this book - James - is to teach right Christian behaviour. James, who was the brother of Jesus, is by now a leader in the Jerusalem church, is writing to the first century Jewish Christians.

With energetic style and crisp, well chosen words, James confronts the conflict head on, that we can profess to trust God and to be his people, yet we still cling tightly to the world and its values.

At times we might possess all the right answers but contradict the gospel with our lives. James urges us to talk the Christian faith without forgetting to live it. In these verses we will certainly hear the point that, the proof of the reality of our faith, is a changed life.

This book has been described as a how-to book on Christian living and it is full of confrontation, challenge and commitment. Bible passages such as this one are very important and helpful at a time when being a Christian is very hard. We are persecuted in ways we might not realize.

For example into our personal life we might bring our rights, our wanting things our fellowship we might bring pressure from health and safety so we end up having no outings which used to build fellowship...into our community life we might take help only to those who only help themselves... the list goes on.

Before we know it our connection with God gets blurred and we might not even realize it because it is how the rest of the world lives.
In chapters 1-4 James outlines some of the characteristics of the Christian life. We will join his writings in chapter 5 as he begins to talk about our responsibilities to God, to others and to our own church fellowship.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Healing Congregation - Theme of Service

Dried Or Revived?
Image taken from Google Images

These daffodils in my hand are very dry - see above for a picture of dry daffodils. Instead of throwing them away after Easter I kept them but no longer watered them. Look at them now. At certain times in my life I have felt as tired as these flowers look. Spiritually there have been times when I have felt as dry as these flowers are.

Those of you who have experienced such times will know how wonderful it is when you begin to feel better, revived, or as the dictionary states you recover new vigour. God is good and his Spirit knows how to help us. There is always hope, and just like this beautiful fresh daffodil taken from our garden this very morning, we too can feel revived once again, if not physically, at least spiritually.

Daffodils taken from Google Images

The only problem that I have is that I have cut this flower from its stem so it does not matter how much water or sun it gets it will not last long. Having had difficult times in my own life, and having observed other peoples' lives I now know from experience that we cannot last long without the Lord in our lives.

We try, we try very hard but at some point, sooner or later, we will end up like these dried-up daffodils. We really need to be connected to God. The thing is that we are meant to be connected to God, we are actually going against the grain, the tide when we attempt to detach ourselves from him.

That's why it is better to stay close to the Lord. I encourage you, urge you to connect with God, to let his Spirit revive you, transform you into a deeper level with him than ever before in your life.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Healing Congregation - Worship Programme

Pre-meeting: Band

Welcome and Notices

Anecdote from Box of Delights
Jesus is in my heart

Song 335 (SASB 833/This is what the Lord has done)
I want to tell what God has done

Dried-up daffodils
Songs of Fellowship 365
Lord we long for you (Vol5 CD2 Track3)


Song 324 (SASB 429/ Bethany)
I Believe that God the Father

Introduction to Bible Reading


Bible Reading - James 5:1-20


Songsters - Master Speak

Message - The Healing Congregation

Songs of Fellowship 311
Jesus, You Are Changing Me

Songs of Fellowship 389
May we be a shining light
(Volunteers to read verses out while piano plays)
Testimonies - time to share with others how you feel about your faith just now!

Song 324 (SASB 429/ Bethany)
I Believe that God the Father
Verses 2 & 4


Benediction: Songsters

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What Kind Of Wounds Do You Have? - Nooma

What kind of wounds do you have?
How have your wounds shaped who you are today?

Bible Reading - Romans 12:19 (MSG) "Don't insist in getting even; that's not for you to do. I'll do the judging", says God. "I'll take care of it"

Have you ever really gotten revenge? If so, how did it make you feel afterwards? If we take revenge when we get hurt, do you think it's like saying to God, "I think I can handle this better than you"?

Bible Reading - Proverbs 15:3 (CEV) The LORD sees everything, whether good or bad. If God's right there when people get hurt, why do you think he doesn't step in to stop it from happening? Do you trust that God is ultimately going to take care of everything? Why is God's forgiveness of us so crucial to our forgiveness of others?

Bible Reading - Luke 6:37 (NIV) Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

Can we forgive somebody without being able to be around them? Do you have people like that in your life? Do you believe forgiveness is really more about the one forgiving than the one being forgiven? Does that view on forgiveness make it easier to forgive? Are there people you need to forgive? If someone you need to forgive died before you made amends, what kind of regrets would you have?

Concluding Words by Rob Bell... So may you forgive as you've been forgiven, may you give to others what's been given to you, may you set someone free and find out that it was you, and may you do it today, because you might not have the chance tomorrow

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

XS Baggage - ToThinkabout

Are you one of these people who always manages to carry excess baggage? You packed too many shoes, too many clothes for all eventualities, too many toiletries and gadgets to save you money and so that you can enjoy home comforts whilst on holiday? And why not?

The problem with such a appealing idea is that you will usually have a price to pay for the luxury! Excess baggage at the airport is no laughing matter...nor is having to carry a lot of stuff about on your own! Packing, unpacking ...

I recently found out I had been carrying baggage myself for a very long time which was weighing me down. We all do in some way or another. Life is full of things we carry and don't know what to do with it or how to get rid of it.

I am dealing with my luggage, painfully and slowly...and as time goes by it seems to feel easier. What excess luggage do you have, and do you really want it weighing you down? De-clutter like me and together we shall get through. Not easy, but possible.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Luggage - Nooma

Cafe Church 4pm Gainsborough

Welcome, Notices and Introductions...

Songs of Fellowship 646... All I Once Held Dear

Song 610 (SASB 863/Wonderful Healer)
Lord, here today my great need I am feeling

Weekly Offering

Todays' Prayers... The Work of The Holy Spirit In Our Fellowship, Future Of Our Corps, Property Matters

Nooma DVD: Luggage 007 Rob Bell (Info and clip)

Quiet Time: Personal Reflection on what we have seen on DVD

Looking at some verses from the Bible about forgiveness and 'baggage' we carry

Encouragement and Time of Testimony and Praise

Songs of Fellowship 716... Filled with Compassion

Prayer and Benediction

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Cartoon - Loving God and others? Steady On!

Some people find it easier to love God rather than other people. Other people find it easier to love others rather than God. There are people who only love themselves. Where are you in this?

Monday, April 7, 2008

What draws you to the message of Jesus? - Nooma

Cafe Church 4pm Gainsborough

Welcome and Notices

Magnify 6 As we come to your throne (You are worthy)
Magnify is a Salvationist collection of 75 songs of worship.

Magnify 7 Be still, for the presence of the Lord


To get us thinking:
How do you feel about people who stop you in the street and want you to listen to them?
What actually draws you to the message of Jesus? At the beginning were you loved or scared into the Kingdom?
Why do you think that generally followers of Jesus make a distinction between their love for God and their love for others

Short DVD - Introducing Bullhorn 009 Rob Bell
Time to reflect and discuss our reactions to the DVD

Bible Readings Matthew 22:36-40 and John 13:35

Today's challenge - If we are not shouting the message out loudly and scaringly, then how are we sharing it? Are we loving God and others with the same passion? If not, why not? How and who can help us sort this out?

Magnify 2 All Heaven Declares

Song 48 (SASB 150/God's love is wonderful)
God's love to me is wonderful
The Salvation Army Songbook


Rob Bell ends DVD saying.."So may you see that how you love others is how you love God.
That' it
That's the way of love
That's the way of Jesus"

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Friday, April 4, 2008

MyTips on Worship Preparation - Giving out notices in church?

The Announcements/Notices...given out in a service:

Now these are tricky. There can be so many notices that you use up precious time which you need specially if you have a set time to keep. Too many notices can also be boring. Some services have them at the beginning, as we do in Gainsborough, so that they are out of the way and the service can then go on without interruption or distraction but the problem with that choice is that it feels wrong to follow beautiful introductory music with mondaying notices about the toilets being out of order on tuesday for a week!! Others might put them in the programme at the very end, after the Sermon or even after the Benediction. The problem with having them at the end is that you could easily spoil the blessed atmosphere that has built up by giving them out then.

It seems that whenever you do it, it is going to be unsatisfactory for someone and, you will need to take local situations into account when deciding when it might be best, but there will always be a word of welcome and some form of housekeeping to pass on! Some churches give out a weekly sheet with the information needed and that is ideal but you then need someone to be responsible for this task other than the minister as he has too much to sort out already.

Other churches put their notices for the week and coming events on PowerPoint and show them before and after the service. Others, pin the notices on their notice board for all to see because they cannot photocopy for everyone. There are lots of ways and in the end it is only by trial and error that you find the answer to best suit your church services.

Some churches traditionally give out the notices at the same time as the taking up of the collection, if you want to try that then remember that having the notices first might mean people getting their offering ready and missing half of what is being said! I told you, you can't win. Just some things to think about...

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Cartoon - Singing in Church Choirs

This cartoon speaks to me of commitment and simplicity. The choristers just want to praise God. The choirmaster is understandably frustrated with their 'efforts'. Choir members come in all shapes and sizes but they usually want to praise God and witness to those who hear them sing. In the Salvation Army we call them 'Songsters'. Whatever we call them in our churches lets appreciate our choirs and encourage them - if you do, they'll sing with that extra twinkle in their eyes!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Easter is over - so what now? - Bible Message

Easter Sunday - Morning Worship at Gainsborough Corps

There are times when we do not feel 'at home'. On visiting a refugee camp, for example, an aid worker will find people suffering and in their eyes will likely see pain, humiliation, disappointment, anger. No matter how caring the aid worker is, can a refugee ever feel 'at home' in such an environment? Probably not! Throughout the world authorities find that when people don't feel at 'home', when people don't feel welcomed or safe, they will generally try to move to a different place hoping for a better life. This, unfortunately, often means more of the same again!

Jesus was homeless

Not long after the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, Mary and Joseph felt very vulnerable and, guided by an angel, Joseph took Mary and Jesus to Egypt until the danger from Herod was over. At his birth, Jesus experienced the power of sin and its consequences to interfere and ruin people's lives. As a young child he would have picked up his parents' stress and unsettledness. As a grown up Jesus also experienced some of these feelings, for example, he was not welcome in Nazareth where he had been brought up and, He would sometimes talk about birds and foxes having nests and holes to call home and yet Jesus himself had no place to lay his head that he could call home.

Jesus was not welcomed
John's Gospel (Chapter 6:66) tells us that many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him because they found his teaching too hard to take! Through the days before his crucifixion Jesus definitely experienced being unwelcome, lonely and threatened, except this time there was not going to be an escape route to Egypt! In Judas' suicide we see powerfully the consequences of the power and darkness of sin to interfere and ruin peoples lives. If Jesus found it so hard to feel 'welcome and wanted' during his life then we might as well ask what hope do we have of doing any better?

Dead-end or life-line
You might also be wondering why am I being a prophet of doom on Easter Sunday when it is meant to be a very happy hour not a depressing one! The point is that, soon enough, Easter and the celebrations will be over and then what? Well, there's a quote which says Rather than death being a dead-end to life, Christ reverses that for his people into a life-line. Isn't that wonderful news? To the lonely, disappointed, abused or persecuted? When Mary and Joseph heard that they must escape into Egypt they may have wondered what kind of help that was, to move yet again, into the unknown? But had they ignored God's voice they might have experienced a dead-end but obeying God's Spirit, however strange the request was, meant that they received a life-line. We can take courage that however vulnerable, lonely or unwelcome we feel in this world - specially because we follow him - we are comforted by the fact that Jesus is now preparing a place we will be able to call home for the rest of eternity. There's more to life than a dead-end! There's a life-line found in Jesus! How do we know? because Jesus came back for us! He didn't leave us as sheep without a shepherd!

Mary's life-line
Mary of Magdala was one of the women who found out that Jesus was alive. When she realized death had not held Jesus she began to understand all that Jesus had ever said and that it had all turned out to be true! Things like... whoever hears my words and believes has eternal life and has crossed over from death to life. In today's Bible Reading in John 20 the voice of the risen Jesus brings comfort to Mary, amazing comfort because she now knows for certain that her faith has been based in a powerful, real and living God! Powerful because her sin put his body to death but God's Spirit made him alive again! Mary had not only seen the Lord but she had also experienced something profound.

Romans 10:9 says that... if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead ..then you will be saved! This woman Mary, who had experienced so much sin in her life, who was suffering the consequences of that darkness still threatening to ruin her life for ever, had now found salvation! She does not say much in this reading but I am interested in what she does not say. If, when it came to it, Mary was not going to accept that it was Jesus risen from dead who stood in front of her, she would not have called him Jesus but she recognized him. She gave him his respectful place. Rabboni. Yes, she had not only seen him but she had now accepted him.

Your Life-line
You know what's exciting about all this? that anyone who receives Christ into their lives will receive power to become what God has in mind for them! That's mind - blowing. Are you currently finding out what God has in mind for you because whatever it is, it will be mind-blowing! From my own experience of God and from the witness of so many other followers of Jesus it will be better than anything you might be sorting out or planning for yourself. God helps you follow him and will help you obey some of the seemingly crazy things he might ask you to do.

Who will otherwise turn your fear into courage? Your despair into hope? Your weakness into triumph? Can you find these things elsewhere?

Let's look at Mary of Magdala's experience of the risen Lord. She now had to go and tell everyone that she had seen the Lord. Surely that was a crazy command from Jesus! Indeed when she did tell the other disciples, they had the cheek to ask her if she had been drowning her sorrows and gotten drunk! In fact, her testimony , became extremely effective because she had met the now risen Jesus. Her once weak testimony now became a persuasive one and a tremendous change could be seen in her. A woman who for years had not felt 'at home' in her own town, amongst men, uncomfortable in the presence of the church authorities, now feels very much at 'at home' and instead of standing at a dead-end she stands ready to give her life to her Saviour in devotion, commitment and service. It seems that we can live on earth and feel 'at home' after all. It is good with God's Spirit at our side, following the example of Jesus and faithfully showing the effects of the risen Lord in our lives. Amazing stuff!

As we go out from this hall let us go determined to show that effect in our lives-having met the risen Lord today why not share our profound experience of him with those around us who do not feel 'at home' anywhere. For a variety of reasons they don't fit in at school, at work, socially inept. Families, children, youths, individuals who show in their eyes sadness, humiliation, terror in some cases. We are in a privileged position of bringing to them our witness just as Mary did after meeting her Saviour. Will you? Will you be the hands, the lips, the feet of Jesus and like him and Mary and countless followers ever since be there for the unwanted? Not easy is it? we find it easier to judge their behaviour, we easily loose patience with them or give up on them as the losers of life. What did Jesus do for them? He came back.

Let's sing about showing by works of power - through God's Spirit - that Jesus is Lord!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter is what now? - Worship Programme

Easter Sunday Service

Pre-meeting: Band

Verse by Annie Johnson Flint
If the Christ who died had stopped at the cross,
His work had been incomplete.
If the Christ who was buried had stayed in the tomb,
He had only known defeat,
But the way of the cross never stops at the cross and the way of the tomb leads on
To victorious grace in the heavenly place
where the risen Lord has gone.

Welcome and Announcements - Junior Soldiers Award Presentation

Easter Sunday is the most important Sunday of the Christian year; the day when we celebrate one of the central truths of our faith - that Jesus Christ is alive! As the apostle Paul said, '...if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile' (1 Corinthians 15:17). This, then, is a day for faith and celebration, joy and declaration. Three words will come up throughout the morning and they are: 'Alive', 'Risen', and 'Today' These are words which declare the central message of Easter, the reason for our worshipping God today - the fact that Christ is alive, that he is risen and that this truth is for today, not just a Bible story about something that happened in the past.

Lets declare our joy through singing, and celebrate!
Song 143 (TB 281/Easter Hymn)
Christ the Lord is risen today

Time of Prayer:
1- Easter Thanksgiving - show PowerPoint images associated with Easter (spring flowers, Easter eggs for the children, a lamb, a cross, a Bible, the sun)
Spend time giving thanks to God for some of the things we are grateful for today.

Song 148 (TB 839/Up from the grave he arose)
Low in the grave he lay

2- Easter Confession - Lets declare our faith and commitment to being forgiven and in turn forgiving by praying and confessing to God
Easter Sunday is a perfect day to start afresh with God, it is a good day to start over again,for bringing an area of your life to God where you feel there is a need for new life, a time to look at relationships, a time for new insights, for stepping out in faith, a good time to commit to social justice...Some people like to think of Easter and the heavy stone 'rolled away' as a reminder that through his death and resurrection, Jesus has crushed the power of sin and can forgive. As we pray please respond with the words Risen Lord Jesus, forgive us:

For the times we forget that you are alive,
Risen Lord Jesus, forgive us.
For the times we forget to celebrate your love,
Risen Lord Jesus, forgive us.
For the times we forget to tell our neighbour,
Risen Lord Jesus, forgive us.
For the times we forget to live as you call us to live,
Risen Lord Jesus, forgive us.
For the times we forgot to open our lives to you,
Risen Lord Jesus, forgive us.


3- Easter Intersession - Women say Alive, Men say Risen and Children/Youth and YP workers and helpers say Today.
Risen Lord Jesus, you died for the world, but you are...Alive...Risen...Today.
Risen Lord Jesus, people sometimes forget you, but you are...Alive...Risen...Today.
Risen Lord Jesus, we pray for people caught up in any kind of conflict- may they know that you are...Alive...Risen...Today.
Risen Lord Jesus, we pray for countries and communities at war- may both aggressors and victims know that you are...Alive...Risen...Today.
Risen Lord Jesus, we pray for those who are sick or lonely who are known to us- may we find ways of celebrating with them that you are...Alive...Risen...Today.
Risen Lord Jesus we pray for the church in this area and for our mission to share the good news of your resurrection with others- may we walk alongside others to demonstrate that you are...Alive...Risen...Today.
Risen Lord Jesus, for those who have lived in the faith of Christ and who have gone before us- may we one day join with them around your throne to proclaim that you are...Alive...Risen...Today.
Risen Lord Jesus, we offer you our prayers, trusting in the power of your resurrection, and in our faith in you saying that you are...Alive...Risen...Today.

Bible Reading - John 20:1-9

Easter Praise
Song 144 (TB 5/And above the rest)
I know that my redeemer lives
Testimonies: What is in your heart today? Easter is a journey for all of us. People like Mary Magdalene and Thomas went very much through an emotional journey as they realized that Jesus had been raised from the dead. A journey which turned their lives upside down, having suffered grief at their loss of the one who had changed their lives, and then suddenly experiencing extreme joy and renewed faith, they went from darkness to light, from death to life, from the old to new, from doubt to certainty...Do any of these words describing possible emotions in your present journey sound familiar to you? Words on PowerPoint are Sadness, Desperation, Disbelief, Confusion, Doubt, Astonishment, Wonder, Faith, Joy, Certainty, and Eagerness.

Instrumental Solo: Andrew Blyth

Bible Reading - John 20:10-20



Easter Message 2008: Easter is what now? Marta


Songs of Fellowship 290
Jesus is Lord! Creation's voice proclaims it

Go in the power of the risen Lord
Live, work and witness to celebrate his love
Share his joy, his life, his power,
In the name of Christ, the Risen One

Sunday, March 23, 2008

MyTips on Worship Preparation - Easter Sunday

Here I am preaching at the Salvation Army in Gainsborough. I am publishing the service plan and sermon in the next few days. My daughter, home on holiday from Leicester University, took this and other photographs. This year we draped a white cloth on the cross symbolizing the resurrection of Jesus. By the foot of the cross people placed lots of yellow daffodils to contrast with the subdued atmosphere of Holy Week.

We woke up to lots of snow, but still many people were able to arrive for an 8.30 am breakfast. The children played in the snow before and after the service which began at 10 am. People were able to take daffodils away afterwards to those who couldn't come or to encourage someone.

During the testimony time a lady made us laugh a lot because she talked about this Christmas time instead of Eastertime!!! Honestly, a few flakes and the English cannot think straight! Everything comes to a halt!

Testimony time in a Salvation Army service (or meeting as we called them) is an opportunity given for anyone to, among other things, express their feelings about the ups and downs of their spiritual journey - hopefully to encourage those listening.

Friday, March 21, 2008

What will you leave at the Cross? - Lent - Lucado

Sunday Afternoon Worship at Gainsborough Corps
Palm Sunday 2008

Welcome, Notices, Offering

Chorus 109/To thy cross I come, Lord
We are singing this chorus to introduce the afternoon. At the end of our session we will sing it again to see if our understanding of these words has altered in any way.


Ice-breaker-talk as a group about the absurdities and ironies of life
Bible Reading - Mark 15:22-41
What absurdities or ironies surround the scene of Jesus' death?

Songs of Fellowship 1015/Thank you for saving me

PowerPoint: Grass burrs (thorn, sticker, splinter)
To take into account: Do you usually try to sort yourself out first?
Why are we reluctant to seek help when hurt or injured?

Bible verse - 1 John 1:9 But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong.
Max Lucado asks: What confession do you need to leave at Calvary?

Video Transcript 12 on page 233 where he talks about God's forgiveness and removal of our sins. He describes it as leaving them at the foot of the cross. Max Lucado asks:Why don't you spend a minute or two thinking about what you would like to leave at the cross today?

What are the implications concerning our admission of wrongdoing to God/others?

Listen to music...CD He Chose the Nails Max Lucado track 17 These Hands Jeff Deyo

Bible verse - 1 Peter 5:7 Give all your worries to him, because he cares about you. Max Lucado asks: What do you need to leave at the cross in order to benefit from the promise of this verse?

I ask: Maybe for you it is something else-whatever it is-how easy is it going to be to leave it there? Quote from Mere Christianity by CS Lewis about the Christian way being hard and easy at the same time

Video Transcript 13 on page 233 where Max Lucado talks about his own father's last words
Jesus' last dying words...Father, into your hands I commend My spirit - Luke 23:46
What does Jesus, according to this verse, leave at the cross? What does he leave there for us?
  • He finished his work triumphantly an entrusted his spirit to God his Father
  • His scarred hands offered forgiveness
  • Through torn skin he offered acceptance
Video Transcript 14 where Max Lucado concludes the series where he encourages us not only to leave something at the cross but to also move on from there with a deeper commitment to trust and obey the Lord.

Chorus 109/To thy cross I come, Lord

Songs of Fellowship 742 Great is the darkness (Come, Lord Jesus)


God Bless You Richly this Holy Week

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Palm Sunday- Worship programme

Morning Worship Meeting at Gainsborough

Pre-Meeting Music: Band

Welcome and Announcements

King from Portrait of Christ 53 by Henry Gariepy
Zechariah 9:9 This prophecy is inseparably linked with the Triumphal Entry. Hundreds of years before this event had been prophesied and the gospel writer confirms this in Matthew 21:4-5 when he says that it was a direct fulfillment of it. This short verse tells us a lot of things. Rejoice greatly... Jesus would usher in a kingdom of joy. Didn't Jesus say in John 10:10 I am come that they may have life, and have it to the full. The verse continues to talk about the justice, deliverance and peace he would bring. In this our first song we shall sing praises to the King of Kings.

Song 160 (TB 42/Rimington)
Jesus shall reign where'er the sun

Palm Sunday Prayer-Prayer Collection page 330
Reading: They Missed Him! from A Bucket of Surprises page 93

Songs of Fellowship 357
Lord Jesus Christ

Theme: Palm Sunday 2008
Palm Sunday is the last Sunday in Lent and the beginning of Holy Week! The last days of Jesus' life which we remember during Holy Week, and which end with the resurrection of Jesus at Easter, are events that begin with the arrival of Jesus at Jerusalem. Although, with hindsight, the day is tinged with sadness because Jesus died on a cross less than a week after he had entered Jerusalem. Today we nevertheless celebrate his triumphal entry into the town as he came to celebrate with everyone else the Jewish feast of Passover. The Bible describes the excitement on that particular day as great crowds of people lined the streets waving palm branches to welcome him hence the name Palm Sunday. It tells us that people not only spread branches on the road but even their clothing as they shouted Hosanna which means Save us now.


Songs of Fellowship 728
Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning
Testimonies: Who is this King of Kings, anyway?

Offering to be taken after this song

Bible Reading: John 12:12-19 NIV

Songs of Fellowship 400
My song is love unknown


Bible Message: Jesus Riding into Jerusalem (John)


Songs of Fellowship 478
Reign in me, sovereign Lord

Song 81 (TB 92/Hallelujah to the Lamb)
Hark the glad sound (with chorus of Song 57)

Benediction: Songsters

Saturday, March 15, 2008

From Tragedy to Triumph! - Lent - Lucado

Here is a Lent time of worship, study and discussion and reflection...all in the space of an hour! We are currently following the course He Chose the Nails by Max Lucado, and this week we are exploring whether God can turn our tragedy into triumph, looking in particular at Jesus' burial clothing for any clues. Here follows how I led the group.

I Can Turn Your Tragedy into Triumph
God's Promise in the Burial Clothing

Welcome, Notices and Offering

The death of Christ has been called the greatest act of love ever. Why do you think that is?
Bible verse-Romans 5:8 (Discuss this verse with others in your group and think of an example where people are expected to be good before they are rewarded)

Prayers-Listen to In the stillness by The King's Singers: The Quiet Heart, Choral Essays Vol.1

Video or Transcript for week 11 where Max talks about some of the tragedies that we suffer and how they 'Clutter up our hearts with memories of bad times'. He explores Romans 8:28 (at times a controversial verse) and describes how one of the disciples of Jesus (John) hangs around faithfully during the tragic death of Jesus not realizing how much his own life would be changed as a result! (Page 231)

Quote from The Root of the Righteous by A.M.Tozer. This paragraph talks about the variety of feelings people had at the time about the crucifixion of Jesus and how they differed from Jesus' own feelings

Song 126 (TB 649/From that sacred hill)
On Calvary's tree the King of Glory languished

Bible Reading John 19:38-20:10
Factoids about the cloth. Discuss altogether what they did to the body of Jesus before burial, and what they consequently found at the empty tomb...if anything!

To reflect on your own...
Where does your focus need to be in uncertain or scary times?
  • How quick are you to become despairing when all seems lost?
  • What 'storm' in your life needs the touch of Jesus today?
  • Who in your immediate circle of family and friends is at this very moment in the middle of a dark time? What can you do or say to help and encourage them?
Song 438 (TB 430/Blaernwern)
Love divine, all loves excelling

Final Prayer-Volunteers to read a verse each from Song 647
When shall I come unto the healing waters

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Self-Denial Missionary Appeal 2008

This was the scene at the front of our hall on Sunday after everyone had brought their gift offering. It was our turn to bring a flower arrangement.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Experiencing Temptation/Resisiting Temptation - Worship Progamme

Morning Worship Meeting at Gainsborough Corps

Pre-Meeting Music: Band

Welcome and Announcements

Introduction and Theme
(Today we are having the altar service for the 2008 Missionary Appeal and the worship is based on experiencing and resisting temptation)

Experiencing Temptation

Song 17 (New arrangement) 'Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven'
(notice second line of verse 3 'well our feeble frame he knows')


Song 101(TB 112/Margaret)
'Thou didst leave thy throne and thy kingly crown'


First Bible Reading-Mark 1:9-13


Missionary Appeal 2008-Altar Service: PowerPoint presentation, Prayer and Altar Service
Country featured: Zambia

Resisting Temptation

Second Bible Reading-Matthew 4:1-11



Prayer and chorus 107
To be like Jesus

Magnify 13
Great is he who's the King of kings
Said Benediction from Women's World Day Of Prayer 2008 booklet page 17

Sung Benediction: Songsters

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Cartoon - Computer or Bible?

If you were to walk down a London street on a Sunday, you would probably see more people carrying computers than Bibles. If you were to walk into a church on the same day, how many people would you find holding their own Bibles?

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Experiencing Temptation/Resisting Temptation - Lent

In the Christian calendar we particularly think of temptation during Lent. The dictionary says that temptation is 'an attempt to persuade or entice to do something, specially morally wrong or unwise'. If I offered you this mouldy pasta and salad I can guarantee you would not be tempted to eat it!

Experiencing Temptation
The problem with temptation as I see it is that it is subtle and usually seems harmless.It is always good to remember that temptation in itself is not a sin. It is, however, part of a crafty plan to attempt to separate us from God, inviting us to rebel and it feeds off our tendency to be self-sufficient.

Resisting Temptation
If I knew when I was going to be tempted, where, when and on what... I wonder what my daily life would be like? Would I be better prepared? I don't know, but I would probably be a nervous wreck! Knowing that Temptation can strike anywhere, anytime, specially when we are vulnerable or too sure of ourselves helps to resist. I have learned that temptation needs to be resisted immediately-when you engage with it you often give in and usually go down a harmful road. What about having a plan of your own ready to resist when temptation comes-after all you already have a sneaky feeling about what some of them are! and when they might come!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Feel the Nails - Lent - ToThinkabout

They tell me Jesus died
For my transgressions
That he paid that price a long, long time ago
When he gave his life for me
On a hill called Calvary
But there's something else I want to know

Does he still feel the nails
Every time I fail
Can he hear the crowd cry "Crucify" again
Am I causing him pain
Then I know I've got to change
I just can't bear the thought of hurting him.

It seems that I'm so good at breaking promises
And I treat his precious grace so carelessly
But each time he forgives
What if he re-lives
The agony He felt on that tree

Holy, holy
Holy is the Lord
Holy Holy
Holy is the Lord

Do you still feel the nails
Every time I fail
Have I crucified you Jesus with my sins
Oh I'm tired of playing games
I really want to change
I never want to hurt you again

Holy, holy
Holy is the Lord
Holy Holy
Holy is the Lord

(Ray Boltz and Steve Millikan)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Why is the Cross such a big deal for Christians? - Lent - Lucado

On Sunday afternoons during Lent we have been looking at what happened when Jesus was crucified and why it needed to happen. To help us with this we have been using a study by Max Lucado He Chose the Nails where Max investigates what God did to win our hearts. There's so much material in each chapter that we have had to be selective in our use of material, but it is enjoyable to lead people in a relaxed and interactive style.

Last Sunday people were particularly talkative so I had to leave some things out, but we still managed a well-rounded afternoon. Here is the full programme I had planned.

I Will Love You Forever
God's Promise in the Cross

Welcome, Notices and Weekly Offering

Introducing theme:
DVD clip from The West Wing (very end of Episode 14 Season 1 where President confesses)

Song 134 (TB 14/Calvary)
Was it for me, the nails, the spear...?


Ice breaker: Brainstorm (write on a board) these Questions..
Any unusual surnames? Do you like your own name? Have you ever had a nickname?

Video or transcript for week 10 where Max talks about whether he should correct people when they mispronounce his surname, leading gradually into God's treatment of us.

Bible Verse - 2 Corinthians 5:21 NIV and The Message.

Discuss in small groups:
Symbols of other faiths seem more upbeat, like the crescent moon of Islam or the lotus blossom of Buddhism, so why does Christianity use the cross - normally a symbol of torture - to embody a movement of hope? I don't suppose you would wear an electric chair on your necklace? How do you feel about the cross as a symbol?

Discuss all together:
What did the cross mean to the disciples of Jesus?
What does the cross of Jesus mean to us today?

Quote from Max Lucado:
The cross is the intersection.The cross is where God forgave his children without lowering his standard. God put our sin on his Son and punished it there.

Bible Verse - John 3:16

Songs of Fellowship 865
Jesus Christ, I think about Your sacrifice

Theological insights into:
Death on a Cross, The Shape of the Cross and the Significance of the Cross.

CD - He Chose the Nails: The Lamb That Was Slain - Max Lucado

Bible Reading - John 19:16-19 and 25-31

Listen to or read the words of Feel the nails by Ray Boltz and Steve Millikan

Quotation by Billy Graham from Unto the Hills: A Daily Devotional:
The author of Hebrews writes, Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart (Hebrews 12:2-3 NIV). Yes, consider Him. In our suffering and tribulations Jesus Himself must be our chief consideration. We must fix our eyes upon Him. He who suffered for us shows us how we are to bear our sufferings. Is this encouraging to you?

Song 115 (TB 272/Near the cross)
Jesus, keep me near the cross


Monday, March 3, 2008

Cartoon - Let us sing!

Does your church use hymn books, specially printed sheets, PowerPoint, or most likely a mixture of these? What do you think churches will be using in the future?.. see cartoon below!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

You ask...Why? Worship Programme

Morning Worship Meeting at Gainsborough Corps

Pre-meeting Music: Band

Welcome and Announcements

Song 404 (TB 404/This is why)
Would you know why I love Jesus


Self-Denial Missionary Appeal: Pakistan
A child will pray

Happiness and Harmony 14
Yes the Lord is my shepherd, I have all that I need

Bible Readings: Psalm 23 & Ruth 1: 1-7



Songs of Fellowship 1105
We want to see Jesus lifted high

Why do you want to see Jesus lifted high?
Why do you love him?


Bible Message: You ask...Why?

Song 215(TB 669/His loving touch)
I've felt a new and loving touch

Benediction: Songsters

Monday, February 25, 2008

MyTips on Worship Preparation

I do this regularly in my work as a Salvation Army officer.

A joke first:
Tommy Cooper arrived at a hotel and, after the porter had carried his luggage, asked him if he wanted a tip. "Yes", said the porter, so Tommy promptly said, "Don't get married!"

I am going to do something brave here, so please be gentle with me! I am going to give you my tips on worship preparation. If you have ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes, then this will be an eye opener! I want to share with you how I come to the end result. With the publication of my sermons, I hope to publish the corresponding worship plan to help show you how important it is to me to present the whole service as a complete package. Once I know what I am going to say in the sermon then everything needs to fit in and gradually build up to a climax.

I have been doing this for a long time, but I am still learning and needing to adapt in a changing world! If you follow the blog closely you will be able to see how I do it. Please remember that each congregation is unique in likes and dislikes, age groups, and culture. For example, the first part of our morning service in Gainsborough, is accompanied by our band, and dictates to some extent the sort of hymns I have.

I have met people in my lifetime who have felt that putting a meeting together is easy, and it has shown in their boring, fragmented effort! You might put your favourite hymns in, but if they have nothing to do with what you are saying, it is not going to help people focus on what you are communicating.

Enough for now, I will give you a tip with every meeting plan I publish. If it helps you, let me know, and please share your tips, frustrations, and funny stories of which we have so many in the Salvation Army. I used to get so excited in one particular appointment when people came to the front, only to realise that they were on their way to the loo and not to the mercy seat!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

You ask: Why? - Bible Message

Sunday Worship Meeting at Gainsborough Corps
Sunday 24 February 2008

Bible Readings: Psalm 23 and Ruth1:1-7

My husband, John, has been working on our family tree. It is fascinating stuff but had I known who some of my ancestors were I might not have shown so much interest in the first place! He found madmen, murderers like John Wilkes Booth who assassinated Abraham Lincoln (sorry folks!), opera singers, composers, actors and some others whom I'd rather not mention!

Whilst on the internet I once came across another me - a Marta Ager in Sweden who is a Rotarian and a champion golfer, but of the two I suspect I am the poorer! Why?

Let me tell you about Ruth. Her story is found in the Bible – in Ruth 1.
Interestingly, her name was to find a unique place in the family tree of Jesus...
Boaz the father of Obed, whose mother was Ruth. Obed the father of Jesse, and Jesse the father of King David
(see the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1)

To put you in the picture, there was a famine during a dark time in the history of Israel so Elimelech took his wife Naomi and two sons to Moab hoping for a better future. Whilst there, Elimelech and the two sons die leaving three widows behind.

Famine over, Naomi and one of her daughters-in-law Ruth go back to Bethlehem. Their arrival causes quite a stir because Ruth, a Moabite, is beautiful but what had happened to Naomi, the beautiful and charming woman who had left ten years earlier? Although Moab was only about 30 miles away the family might as well moved a thousand because they had gone into a troubled, unfriendly land.

Naomi had been very homesick in a place where others did not share her faith. Hardship must have shown in her face...
Don't call me Naomi, call me Mara, because the Almighty has made my life very bitter. I went away full, but the Lord has brought me back empty. Why call me Naomi? The Almighty has brought misfortune upon me (Ruth 1:20-21)

Once praising, now blaming God. Once rich in spirit, now poor. Once full, now empty. Once sweet, now bitter. Naomi had lost the sparkle but she is about to re-ignited and its about to happen from an unexpected source.

Looking at this story from a different angle, I wonder how life might have turned out for the whole family had they remained in Bethlehem and seen the famine through like other families had done? But then Naomi would not had met Ruth!

Now home at last, Naomi wants to get on with a life that still includes God. In spite of her questioning, she admits God has been with her.
The Lord has not stopped showing his kindness (Ruth 2:20)

Slowly we see her good old self return and she throws herself into fully matchmaking for Ruth! In turn Ruth would be taken from the obscurity of her past into a bright fulfilled future. Then in rags, now in riches. Then in poverty, now in plenty.

But before Ruth finds a husband, she finds God! You might not realize that before returning, Naomi discourages her daughters-in-law from coming with her but Ruth makes up her mind to set off with Naomi saying...
Don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go,and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. (Ruth 1:16)

Wow! What a statement. Surely you would not say this sort of thing in a hurry. Why would you leave the security of your own family, friends, culture for a strange land and a strange faith? And go with your mother-in-law? What is the attraction? Or maybe I should ask who is the attraction and why?

It seems that Naomi's life has influenced Ruth. In the middle of tragedy, frustration, hopelessness and grief Ruth has been watching her mother-in-law and seen in her something very special. Maybe Ruth could not explain it but it was there.

Ruth's great-grandson, King David wrote about his own experiences of God in Psalm 23...
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and staff they comfort me. (verse 4)

A salvationist, Commissioner Keith Banks paraphrases these words in a song 'Contentment'...
When the way becomes darker, I will not be afraid,
For my Lord, the Good Shepherd, will be there with his aid,
He will stay close beside me every step of the way,
He will guard me and guide me to the end of the day. (verse 2)

We ask Why? We all do. We ask Why often. Why famine, why disaster, suffering, sickness, etc. etc. William Booth, the founder of The Salvation Army, asked many questions when his own wife was dying.

In his article Difficulties he writes...
Why does God thus seem to stand off from us in those hours when we need Him most? OH, WHY! WHY! WHY!

To those of us who do not have a faith, or are just trying to make sense of it all, we might wonder why others choose to exercise a faith when it is either all made up, or at the centre is a God who is not quite as good as He should be at looking after us.

William Booth, goes on to list and explain ways in which he feels God looks after us, though we cannot see it. He says:
'Difficulties develop and strengthen and perfect that nobility of character God desires His people to possess...

Difficulties are valuable because they constitute an unfailing test of character... (God, others and ourselves find what we are made of!)

Difficulties drive men to God. Since September 11th, across the world, at a time of great trial and tribulation, the sale of Bibles, crosses and church attendances have gone up, more people are crying out to God and finding him. It seems that difficulties are still driving men and women to God.

Concluding thoughts
So, am I rich or am I poor? Financially I am not rich but spiritually I consider myself rich because I believe the rest of Psalm 23, paraphrased in the song it says...

He surrounds me with goodness, many blessings are mine,
I am rich in the knowledge of this shepherd divine,
All his unfailing kindness in my life I have known,
And I'll live with him always in his beautiful home. (verse 3)

What about you? Are you going through a situation that is making you question God? Why? Are you feeling like Naomi desperate and disappointed? I suggest you renew your relationship with God like Naomi did, and if you look around you maybe you'll find encouragement in the witness you have been to others through the years. That's how Ruth came to faith through the example of a Naomi who was going through a difficult time in her life but held on and followed closely as not to loose sight of God.

Maybe you are more like Ruth, and having watched others exercise their faith , you now need to be making the decision for yourself to accept their God as your God. Will you say...
Yes the Lord is my shepherd, I have all that I need,
I rely on his kindness, I allow him to lead,
He gives rest, He gives quietness, He restores me within,
And He strengthens me daily if my life honours him. (verse 1)